Mar 3, 2009

Love Day

I wanted to document Leah's first school valentines. I found out they were going to do Valentines at school late and so we (I) made some last minute homemade ones for her classmates. She didn't really care. I was sad.

But she was really excited that she got valentines from all her classmates...came home, threw her boots off and coat into the air, plopped down and ate all of her candy in one sitting. I figure it's better for her then eating it for days and maybe she'll feel gross afterwards and not want candy anymore :) My backwards thinking.

We didn't have a babysitter this year so we rented a movie and had a fondue feast in the living room. Fondue is our Valentines tradition which is perfect because it seems romantic whether it's alone with your hubby or if you have a third wheel (small child.)

I love celebrating holidays. Every Valentines day I hear someone say "I would rather he/she showed me they love me everyday." I think that's lame. If that's not happening then you have other issues and your not going to help them by saying you don't want to celebrate valentines in protest. You know what I mean? Accept the idea of one more day to buy/make thoughtful gifts and express your love to your family. Suck it up.

In family therapy we call these opportunites rituals. Rituals are one of the things relationships thrive on. If your not doing enough of them or if you are not respecting the ones you have established over the may be sabatoging your relationship. Maybe I'll write a blog on be continued.


Line said...

I feel the same way when ppl say that Valentines is lame and that love should be shown "everyday." I love Valentines Day, and I don't think it detracts from expressing our love on other days.

And I love that you brought up love rituals. I just gave an FHE lesson this past monday on doing things on a daily basis to strengthen our relationships and I totally talked about love/connection rituals.